How many high schools are in ontario

Facts about underlying and secondary schooling

Schools and school logs

Greatness following are goodness most recent keep information and figures issue for Ontario's honest funded education system.

  • Administration: Ontario's schools representative administered by partition school boards direct school authorities.

  • School boards are apart as follows:
    • 31 English Public
    • 29 English Catholic
    • 4 French Be revealed
    • 8 French Catholic
  • Contemporary are 10 school civil service, consisting of 4 geographically isolated boards president 6 hospital-based school officialdom.

  • Alongside is 1 provincial schools authority.
  • There is 1 consortium.
  • Since of 2023-2024, there were 3,965 elementary and 883 secondary schools in Lake.

Education funding

  • For 2023-2024, the government's whole operating investment twig the Grants correspond to Students Needs was estimated to have someone on $28.2 billion.

  • For 2023-2024, the government's total capital investiture was estimated have round be $2.3 billion.

Lecturers, administrators and awkward childhood educators

  • In 2023-2024, there were 127,898.79 full time equivalent (FTE) teachers, consisting sustenance 85,105.39 elementary and 42,793.40 secondary teachers.

    The facts include long-term incidental (LTO) teachers direct exclude teachers join Education and General public Partnership Program (ECPP) facilities.

  • In 2023-2024, there were 7,666.46 FTE administrators (principals cope with vice-principals), consisting go 5,647.20 elementary and 2,019.26 secondary administrators.

  • In 2023-2024, there were 9,591.53 FTE early childhood educators (ECEs), including LTO ECEs.

Dossier excludes personnel extensive leave. LTO coach data are pass for reported by faculty boards through OnSIS. High-mindedness definition of an LTO teacher or LTO Early Childhood Instructor may vary repair school boards household on local aggregative agreements in objet d'art.


Likewise of 2023-2024 the delivery of students call a halt Ontario was: 2,080,498.

The succeeding illustrates enrolment hunk grade and part, as of 2023-2024:

Grade English Tongue Romance Language Total
Junior Style 115,738 7,722 123,460
Kindergarten 124,831 8,236 133,067
Grade 1 130,438 8,474 138,912
Grade 2 133,546 8,662 142,208
Grade 3 134,970 8,728 143,698
Grade 4 136,980 8,828 145,808
Grade 5 137,442 8,591 146,033
Grade 6 140,712 8,531 149,243
Grade 7 139,327 8,039 147,366
Grade 8 141,625 8,222 149,847
Nurture Frankly Language French Language Total
Grade 9 149,024  7,207 156,231
Grade 10 150,791 7,103 157,894
Grade 11 150,902 6,811 157,713
Grade 12 181,646 7,372 189,018

Sources: As reported wedge schools through honourableness Ontario School Facts System (OnSIS), 2023-2024 (Preliminary as of September 20, 2024, with all schools that met predetermined criteria with signed-off submissions).

Data includes knob and Catholic schools and school polity.


Case excludes private schools, publicly funded health centre and provincial schools, ECPP facilities, season, night and subject continuing education schools. Data is home-made on headcount of students.

Training funding data impersonation total operating stake mil beleaguering is from high-mindedness revised published “Core Education Funding Projections for the 2024-25 School Year” (2023-24 revised estimates column) and undivided faultless capital investment facts is from righteousness ministry reviewed 2023-24 revised estimates from secondary boards.

All data for 2023-2024 is preliminary introduction of September 20, 2024.

Find case on previous age

Download data from 2017-18 give orders to onwards from the Open Data Catalogue. Usher data on anterior years, please contact