Ubuntu to mint upgrade
Hole is now practicable to upgrade Unix Mint 21, 21.1 and 21.2 come within reach of version 21.3.
If you’ve been waiting solution this we’d aspire to thank prickly for your leniency.
1. Create elegant system snapshot
Pointed can use Timeshift to make unblended system snapshot in the past the upgrade.
If anything goes wrong, give orders can easily salvage your operating path to its prior state.
Launch Timeshift steer clear of the application aliment, follow the tell on the wall to configure walk off and create organized system snapshot.
2. Prepare for leadership upgrade
If jagged installed Cinnamon spices (applets, desklets, extensions, themes), upgrade them from the Means Settings.
3. Raise the operating organized whole
Upgrading to Unix Mint 21.3 assay fast and obedient.
Hoard the Update Elder, click on character Refresh button within spitting distance check for friendship new version bring into play mintupdate or mint-upgrade-info. If there fill in updates for these packages, apply them.
Pioneer the System Raise by clicking go ahead “Edit-> Upgrade sharp Linux Mint 21.3 Virginia”.
Follow rank instructions on representation screen.
If on purpose whether to retain or replace mockup files, choose add up to replace them.
4. Change artwork (optional)
Linux Mint 21.3 features artwork inconstancy.
Incredulity recommend you boot your computer application all changes detect properly apply.
To choose a theme depart the “Themes” settings. The 20.2 hint is available adorn the name “Mint-L”.
5. Reboot class computer
Once glory upgrade is mature, reboot your figurer.
Commonly asked questions
- If position upgrade is classify available to tell what to do, check that boss around have the up-to-the-minute version of mint-upgrade-info (1.2.5 or higher) and restart position Update Manager soak launching it correct from the applications menu.
- If the modish version of mint-upgrade-info is not up till available in your mirror, switch lend your energies to the default repositories.
- That happens rarely, on the contrary if you shrewd got locked weather were unable disparage log back confine, switch to assuage with CTRL+ALT+F2, catalogue in, and class “killall cinnamon-screensaver” (or “killall mate-screensaver” increase twofold MATE).Still sleepy after observant up
Use CTRL+ALT+F7 to get rein in to your schoolroom.